
nonon.txt is a way to make your friend card a tool to spread your ideas.

nonon.txt shilling

At the bottom of each nonon friend card, a nonon.txt field is displayed.

nonon.txt is a freeform text field that can be set to anything you want. You might want to use it in the following ways:

  • denounce evil
  • speak radiant and everlasting truth
  • promote your twitter, x, telegram, discord, wechat, weibo, LINE, kakaotalk

Your message is committed on chain and there is no censorship mechanism. Please use your power responsibly.


The addresses with the most nonon friend points will be listed on the leaderboard at The nonon.txt for each leader will be displayed alongside their listing in the leaderboard for all the world to see. This is the perfect opportunity to show off your creativity! The world is waiting for your message.

how to set nonon.txt

After receiving any nonon and getting your friend card, the ability to set your nonon.txt to a custom message is unlocked. Your message can be set by calling the setMessage(uint256 tokenId) function on the friend card contract. You can do this conveniently by accessing the page for your friend card at